Sunday, February 18, 2024

Solent Sky Museum

It all started with a leaflet given to Irma by one of her garden customers. The leaflet contained information on Spitfires, especially on the historical link between the aircraft and our (and its!) home city, Southampton.

The leaflet mentioned the Solent Sky Museum, a museum I'd only vaguely heard of and never visited. Checking their web-site made clear that the museum housed a Spitfire. So off we went for our very first close encounter with a real Spitfire!

We were greeted by a very nice model of a Spitfire, with some key information on the aircraft.

The museum houses over 20 aircraft of different types, but for this blog post, my focus is entirely on the Spitfire. By the way, someone must have had a real puzzle challenge fitting all those aircraft into the museum! 

But, as I said, Spitfire focus. Here she is!

Yes, I did touch the fuselage and wings briefly ...

Also on display was the famous Rolls Royce Merlin engine.

And of course, as you would expect, information boards on the production of the Spitfire ..

... as well as the bombing of the Supermarine factory.

Bit more on that in the next blog post!

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Clipped-wing Spit

Even though, aesthetically, Spitfires with 'clipped' wings are inferior (just my opinionI), clipping the wings did improve the roll ...